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Art Week
St. Columba's

July 8—12


Devote some time to your inner artist in St. Columba’s contemplative space and natural environs. With fresh Pacific Ocean air and views of Tomales Bay to inspire you, flavorful food to fuel you, and talented workshop leaders to guide you, unleash your creativity!  Dip in for a day, or spend the week and go home with new artistic insights and what you create during your stay.

Auguste Haboush


Tuesday & Wednesday

July 9 & 10

10am — 1pm 

Marc Gabbana



July 11

10am — 3pm 

Auguste Haboush



Have you wanted to sketch from life or just your imagination any where, anytime and feel that could be is as natural as when you write? That is what we are going to address.

Our workshop will explore sketching methods demonstrated by great writers and artists through out history.

Victor Hugo, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , William Blake, Herman Hesse, Lewis Carrol, all these writers had a natural and direct way of putting their feelings in to sketches along side their gift for writing.

I want our time together to concentrate on bringing out our own voices, building a vocabulary, experimenting with drawing materials, developing a oneness between mind, heart and hand. By working together on a few subjects we will able, day by day, to feel very at home, sketching in a variety of ways.

Awakening as an artist began by taking a sketch book to classes, museums, cafes and of course the great out doors. It was all so vast and varied that I had to begin learning certain graphic principals that translate life experiences into informative drawings that suggest rather than fully render, like a photograph or painting, a fully fleshed out idea.

We will see that sketching can be as fluent and natural as describing something with words.

I hope you all can share in this experience, all you need to bring is a sketch book, I can provide drawing materials as well as a sketchbook for anyone lacking provisions.

“ A sketchbook is an intimate place to reach for the stars from, A trusty companion."

“I love developing conversations through time and space with the various masters who preceded us. My sketchbook is like a bank account which grows by investing the study of all things that call out.”

Marc Gabbana


In this day long course, Marc will introduce you to the essential building blocks of Art and provide an overview of how you can successfully construct more powerful images.


Topics covered will include: Perspective, Composition, Value studies, Color theory (including the 3 dimensions of Color!) and the importance of Design.


Whatever your preferred medium, you will learn to improve and refine your visual problem-solving skills and develop processes to create images that are a true reflection of your unique gifts, talents and inner vision.


Develop insights into the structure and anatomy of an image and its elements.


  • Deconstructing and breaking images down into separate elements will allow you to rebuild them back up with a refined understanding.


Mastering these key concepts easily translates to other mediums such as:


–  painting

–  drawing

–  photography

–  concept design for film, animation and game design

–  graphic design

–  typography

–  Industrial design

–  Crafts as well!

Please bring your own art supplies. A Paper pad and drawing implements are suggested, as we will be drawing during our session together!

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