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Cultivation & Transformation:
Golden Sphere TaiJi

An In-Person Retreat
Mathew Francis

Friday, August 16 – Sunday, August 18

Retreat Overview

This weekend retreat explores The Golden Sphere Set, a series of Unity TaiJi Qigong movements and postures. Most TaiJi QiGong systems have some method of Golden Sphere incorporated into their practice. TaiJi QiGong can be translated as “Supreme ultimate energy work between Heaven and Earth.”  The Christian tradition refers to this “work” as prayer.  

What Is Golden Sphere?

Golden Sphere is you. Who, what, and how you are today, in this present moment.  It is a mythic framing of your conscious self.  Golden Sphere represents the spirit / soul essence of your physical being.  It represents all that concerns you, body, mind, spirit; family, friends, and community.  Golden refers to light, the Christ Light, or the Divine Spark within creation. Golden also refers to Inner Alchemy, the transformative result of spiritual practice.


Participant Outcomes

Through the weekend we will develop comfort, confidence, and understanding of the teachings and practice.  Participants will explore physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological aspects of their life path through the embodied contemplative aspects of Unity TaiJi.  This retreat provides attendees with skills and insights for personal transformation including breathwork, footwork, stances, postures, hand gestures, visualization, and mental focus. You will leave this retreat with beauty and practice of Golden Sphere to be used in your daily life.

Presenter Bio  Mathew Francis is the founder of Unity Praxis bringing synergies of 40 years dedicated to Christian Discipleship and Tai Ji practice. Mathew guides people to deeper experience of life through faith, practice, and business. He shares learnings from his personal spiritual journey balancing work, life and family through wisdom of Eastern and Western traditions. Mathew is currently President of Pacific Rim Advisory Group, a Business Development Strategy and Family Succession firm. Mathew lives in the Central Valley of California, married to his lovely bride Elizabeth, and finds his identity as a husband, father of two, grandfather of three, friend of many, and wayfarer on the Path.

Mathew Francis
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