Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
...when the morning stars sang together and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy?
~Job 38:4, 7
We sing with our hearts, our voices, our bodies, our instruments, joining all creation in love and thanksgiving to our triune God: Creator ~ Redeemer ~ Sustainer. We unite with God and one another as we co-create beauty in the world through music. We draw songs, hymns, and chants from a variety of ages and sources, along with the Psalms, to aid us in our contemplation, worship, and spiritual journey.
Our Choir has two sections: the Iona Choir, which cantors and leads the singing for our in-person services, and the Choir-in-the-Pews (everyone!). The pandemic ushered in a third section: St. Columba’s Virtual Choir, composed of all who sing together from home in our online worship and gatherings.
In May 2021, we began a Virtual Choir recording project which we hope will continue to bind our extended community together. May our recordings be a gift for your listening and meditation, and inspire you to sing along.
We gather on Zoom for a contemplative, not-quite-traditional Evensong ~ Candle Light Circle of Evening Prayer, Thursdays, 7-8 PM PST. All are welcome; enter through the Virtual Chapel link. You may download the program for your personal meditation, though not needed to join the service, since it is screen-shared.
Come and make a joyful noise with us! If you’re interested in joining the Iona Choir, participating in the Virtual Choir recordings, learning the Sunday Morning songs for singing in the Choir-in-the-Pews, or any other questions or interest in participation, please email Ann.