The Rev. Vincent Pizzuto, Ph.D.
On behalf of our entire congregation, Fr. Vincent extends a warm welcome to the people of Inverness and beyond. Please feel free to explore our website to learn more about the new initiatives we are taking in our mission and ministry.
All are welcome!
Father Vincent Pizzuto, PhD began his appointment as Vicar of St. Columba's on January 1, 2017. Since his arrival he has brought to our community a vibrant spirit of openness and hospitality along with considerable academic breadth and theological depth.
Fr. Vincent holds a Masters of Education in Religious Education from Boston College (1995), as well as a Masters (STL) and Doctorate (STD) in New Testament exegesis from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (2003). He is a Full Professor at the (Jesuit) University of San Francisco where he teaches primarily in the areas of New Testament and Christian Mysticism in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies. He has published and presented internationally in the areas of New Testament, christology, the Patristic doctrine of deification (theosis), contemplative Christian spirituality, inter-faith dialogue, same-gender marriage and Christian theological responses to the climate crises. In April 2018 he published his second book, Contemplating Christ: The Gospels and the Interior Life (Liturgical Press). A Spanish translation, Contemplar a Cristo: Los Evangelios y la vida interior (Desclée De Brouwer, 2022), is also available with a Chinese translation slated for publication in 2026 (Kuangchi Cultural Group, Taiwan). In its pages, Fr. Pizzuto seeks to bring his readers into a lived realization of their “deification”– that the Incarnation has made mystics of us all.
During his tenure of service at St. Columba's, Fr. Vincent has drawn from his rich pastoral and theological background to nurture a growing and vibrant contemplative Christian community. Welcoming all who come into our doors, he continues to tend to the spiritual needs of our congregation while advancing our Retreat House as an internationally recognized Center for Contemplative Christianity.