St. Mary's
As the community of St. Columba's continues to work toward Fr. Vincent's vision of expanding our Retreat House into a Center for Christian Contemplation, we are delighted to announce the re-opening of our beautiful St. Mary's Library, located just behind our nave, overlooking Tomales Bay. As yet another branch of ministry to our retreatants and local residents, the library is undergoing a significant upgrade of new volumes now being added on a regular basis. Thanks to a number of generous donations, we have recently acquired a full, accessible New Testament commentary series (Sacra Pagina), a sizable collection of Mary Oliver poems, the complete works by and about Thomas Merton, and a growing number of volumes germane to our mission: Christian Mystics and Mysticism, ecology and sustainability, theology and ethnicity, science and religion, Anglicanism, liturgy, Christian history, and more. With the invaluable assistance of our historian and archivist, Meg Linden, we are currently preparing an online index and annotated guide of our current volumes in order to make our collection available to the general public. If you are interested offering your time or resources to this project, please email us. Kindly check back soon for more information and links to our collection.


Mary Oliver
Thomas Merton

Oh, that my words were recorded,
that they were written on a scroll,
that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead,
or engraved in rock forever!
~Job 19:23-24

Meg Linden
Historian | Librarian | Archivist